Pint to Liter Converter

Pint to Liter Converter

Pint to Liter Converter

Conversion History

    Pints (pt) and liters (L) are common volume units used for measuring liquids. Whether you're dealing with recipes, beverages, or industrial applications, our Pint to Liter Converter ensures quick and accurate conversions.

    How to Convert Pints to Liters

    The conversion formula is:

    1 pint = 0.473 liters (US)

    1 pint = 0.568 liters (UK)

    Conversion Formula

    For US pints: Liters = Pints × 0.473

    For UK pints: Liters = Pints × 0.568

    Example Conversions

    • 1 US pt = 0.473 L
    • 1 UK pt = 0.568 L
    • 5 US pt = 5 × 0.473 = 2.365 L
    • 10 UK pt = 10 × 0.568 = 5.68 L

    Conversion Table

    Pints (US)Liters (L) (US)Pints (UK)Liters (L) (UK)

    Practical Applications

    1. Cooking & Baking

    Recipes often use pints and liters to measure liquids like milk, water, and oil.

    2. Beverage Industry

    Breweries and beverage manufacturers use pints and liters for packaging.

    3. Science & Medicine

    Liquid solutions in laboratories are often measured in liters.

    4. International Trade

    Pints and liters are used in different countries, making conversion essential for global business.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How many liters are in a pint?

    A: 1 US pint = 0.473 liters
    1 UK pint = 0.568 liters

    How do I convert pints to liters manually?

    A: Multiply the number of US pints by 0.473 or UK pints by 0.568.

    Can I convert liters back to pints?

    A: Yes! Divide liters by 0.473 for US pints or 0.568 for UK pints.


    Our Pint to Liter Converter makes conversions easy for cooking, trade, and daily use. Whether you're handling US or UK measurements, get precise results instantly. Try it now!

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